Friday, February 13, 2009

Register your Exotic Longhairs NOW!

If you own an Exotic Longhair, please take note of this urgent message from CFA.

Please register your cats before 15 April 2009.

For Exotic Longhairs out of ELH X ELH or ELH X Persian matings, there is still
some discussion on whether you can show them. However, if you do not register them now, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to use them for breeding to register resulting kittens in CFA. Please bear in mind that in the future, these cats can only be bred to Exotics in order for resulting kittens to be accepted for registration in CFA.

1. Register in CFA all cats that are ELH X ELH before 15 April 2009.
2. Register in CFA all cats that are ELH X Persian before 15 April 2009.
After 15 April 2009. , any kittens resulting from the above breedings will not be eligible for registration in CFA.
3. After 15 April 2009. the cats from # 1 & 2 above, can only be bred to Exotics if you wish to register the resulting kittens in CFA.

For questions on registration, please email us at

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