Monday, July 16, 2007

Congratulations to Our New Grands!

Showing our cats until they achieve Grand Champion or Premier status is no mean feat. The FFSS committee would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to the following cats and their owners.

Grand Champions

GC Temasek Willy Wobbles
Seal Point & White Ragdoll Male
Br/Ow: Felix Yeo

GC Lablanche Alpha Omega
Silver Classic Tabby American Shorthair Male
Br: Kaori Masao Takada
Ow: Emma Hamzah

Grand Premiers

GP Nicsha Sheza Doll
Seal Point Birman Spay
Br: Marie Mahoney
Ow: Winnie Yu

GP Zuliatiku Sitompok Tortee
Tortoiseshell Exotic Spay
Br: Zulkifli Daud
Ow: Arshad Salleh

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