Tuesday, November 22, 2016

FFSS Lunar New Year Cat Show

2 ring All-Breed (AB) CFA cat show 
with Youth Feline Education Program (YFEP) class (closing date for YFEP: 21 Dec)
Entry limit: 60 cats (closed)

United Square atrium : 101 Thomson Rd, Singapore 307591
11am to 7pm on 14 Jan, Saturday.

CFA Judges: Pam Delabar (AB/YFEP) & Diana Rothermel (AB)

1. Fill in the show entry form here.
2. Submit one entry form per cat.

3. Read the general information sheet for further details prior to submitting the form in step #1.
4. Indicate special requests in the same form (benching, cage rental etc) 
5. Payment must be received before deadlines to be considered a valid entry. The Society reserves the right to reject entries based on late payment. 
Further Information
The YFEP class is open to youths aged 7 to 18 years of age as of show date. It is an expansion of the previous Junior Showmanship class, so it would not be unfamiliar to you if you have participated in Junior Showmanship before. Interested participants should fill in the YFEP application form as well as the YFEP show entry form.
Due to the space constraint, you will not be given a benching table but should instead check in at 12.30pm on 14 Jan at the hospitality desk with your cat in a carrier. After checking in, your cat will be benched in at the judging ring while waiting for your turn to be called. YFEP participants who have filled in the YFEP application form before, will only be required to submit the show entry form this time round. Please email the required forms to us. 
Showing your household pet
You are encouraged to record your domestic cat with CFA here & make the USD $13 payment before the show. For even quicker registration, sign up for an eCAT account on the CFA website and apply for your HHP record via the portal. You should receive your pet's registration immediately. Once you receive your cat's registration number, update the entry clerk with the information. Read more about showing in the household pet class here

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