Wednesday, May 04, 2016

July event: The Raya CFA Cat Show

2 ring All-Breed (AB) / Super Specialty (SSP) CFA cat show 
with Youth Feline Education Program (YFEP) class

ONEKM Mall atrium : 11 Tanjong Katong Rd, Singapore 437157

11am to 7pm daily
23 July 2016, Saturday – Kitten (AB) & Household Pet classes, YFEP ring
24 July 2016, Sunday – Championship (SSP) & Premiership (SSP) classes 

*We are not accepting further show entries at this point however the YFEP class is still open. If you would like to be informed if we have an entry slot freed up, please email us to be included on our waitlist.*

CFA Judges: Bob Zenda (AB/SSP) & Brian Pearson (AB/SSP/YFEP)


Normal Registration – 31 May 00:00 to 23 June 23:59
*Terms & Conditions:
  •  Limited to 40 cats per day on a first come first serve basis.


1. Fill in the show entry form here
2. Submit one entry form per cat - do remember to select our show in the initial step.

3. Read the general information sheet for further details prior to submitting the form in step #1.

Further Information
The YFEP class is open to youths aged 7 to 18 years of age as of show date. It is an expansion of the previous Junior Showmanship class, so it would not be unfamiliar to you if you have participated in Junior Showmanship before. Interested participants should fill in the YFEP application form as well as the YFEP show entry form.
Due to the space constraint, you will not be given a benching table but should instead check in at 12.30pm on 23 July at the hospitality desk with your cat in a carrier. After checking in, your cat will be benched in at the judging ring while waiting for your turn to be called. YFEP participants who have filled in the YFEP application form before, will only be required to submit the show entry form this time round. Please email the required forms to us.

In your catalogs, you may have noticed that each of the pedigree classes are divided into Longhair and Shorthair breeds. Within each category, the breeds are further listed in an alphabetical order. This is typically the judging order. Longhair breeds are usually judged before the shorthairs. 
In a specialty ring, longhair and shorthair categories will be judged separately. There will be awards for the Top 10 Longhairs as well as the Top 10 Shorthairs (rosettes will be prepared for these winners). Super specialty comes into play when these cats are further evaluated for a Top 10 Allbreed final. This will be the first time a super specialty ring is being held in Singapore - we hope you will enjoy it! 


yann said...

does the speciality ring applies to HHP?

FFSS said...

The specialty judging can only apply to pedigreed cats - however in this case we are only having it done for Championship and Premiership categories.

CatLover69 said...

Wat is plc stand for?

FFSS said...

Pet Lovers Centre; one of our sponsors for this event.

MohdShah said...

Hi FFSS, how can we get to know the upcoming event for felines. I wanna to join in the event. How the procedure?

Unknown said...

Hi! Can I check what is the difference between the Championship and Premiership categories?

FFSS said...

Hi Dawn, champion and premier categories are for pedigreed cats aged above 8 calendar months, the only difference being championship is for entire cats and premiership is for neuters. For a more immediate response to queries please like us on facebook and feel free to leave us a direct message there:

FFSS said...

Hi Mohd Shah,

To be notified of future events please like us on our facebook page: