Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Junior Showmanship

This Junior Showmanship ring marks another milestone in FFSS club history. For the first time, Junior and Senior categories were contesting.

Best Senior: Beatrice Bowers
Best Junior: Nurul Syazana Binte Zulkifli
Best Novice: Wan Muhammad Ashraf

Eager kids awaiting their turn.

Eager parents awaiting their children's turn.

Our first contestant Danial. He's come a long way since his first show! We're proud to announce he will now be in the Junior Category! Congratulations Danial.

This is Aidil with Benoit. Its their first and hopefully, not their last attempt at Junior Showmanship.

Cherylene with Giselle. Also another first timer.

Wan Ashraf with his new kitty, Muizza.

On to the Juniors and Brandon is first up with Aztro.

Dini presents Lizzy, his black Maine Coon.

Our Junior Winner, Syazana with GC Berydine Spirit.

Our Senior Winner, Beatrice, who gave us a lesson in Korats.

Shabrina with her black Persian CH Sublime Secret Weapon.

Group Photo!

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