Thursday, January 03, 2008

Winter Wonderland Snapshots

We had a blast and we hope so did you! Three cheers for Pet Lovers Centre for their unwavering support. Without David, Steven & co this show would not have been possible. The FFSS team extends its congratulations to all winners as well our Junior Showmanship contestants! The following JS kids are now eligible to compete in the Junior category for our next Junior Showmanship(in no particular order):
1.Beatrice Bowers
2.Nur Shabrina Bte Zulkifli
3.Nurul Syazana Bte Zulkifli
4.Brandon Lim
5.Mohd Arfan Dini Bin Arshad

Its Winter time in Malay Village- courtesy of Pet Lovers Centre!

Big thanks to our member Wendy, for these beautiful breed banners.

Stunning xmas theme rosettes.

Master Clerk Instructor Dick Kallmeyer, Judge Diana Rothermel, committee members & Marie the cat.

Diana plays with a golden tabby Siberian.

The coolest cat award should have gone to Shah- he's practically furless!

Three cheers for our bravest and youngest Junior Showmanship contestant-Daniel with Benjy, a brown tabby & white Siberian.

Beatrice and Billy, our top Junior Showmanship duo.

Shabrina with Doll, 2nd in Junior Showmanship.

Brandon and Aztro, 3rd for Junior Showmanship.

In between rings, Shabrina and Doll get some airtime!

Chip, best household pet (a fierce contender and constant number 1 if you havent realised!)

Snowy, his first time in show and 2nd Best Household pet.

Twinkle, a brown patched spotted tabby, 3rd place Household pet.

Latoya Vom Guldental- Best Kitten.

Temasek Raja Bendahara- 2nd Best Kitten.

Emmanuel Curli Yafe Vic Jac- 3rd Best Kitten.

GRP Nicsha Sheza Doll- Best cat in Premiership.

GRP Everlasting Shannon- 2nd best cat in Premiership.

Emmanuel Curli Love Bravo- 3rd best cat in Premiership.

CH Sublime Secret Weapon- Best cat in Championship.

CH Ithaca Ultimatum- 2nd Best cat in Championship.

CH Berydine Spirit- 3rd Best cat in Championship.

The top cats of each category contending for "The Coolest Cat" award.

The popular choice- Latoya!

We think Eric was a bit relieved the show ended!

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