Friday, January 05, 2007

Caught On Camera

Vetting In

Hello Kitty queue?

Royal Canin, Our sponsors.

Speech! Speech!

Ring 1

The rest of the show hall

Judge in Ring 1: Bob Zenda

Bob explaining the mechanics of American Shorthair

Judge in Ring 2: Teruko Arai

With the eager crowd watching on

Our CFA guest judge in Ring 3: Allan Raymond

Allan presenting Everlasting Shannon to the crowd

Bob Zenda's Best Kitten: Zuliatiku Sesedap Tortilla

Bob, Serena and Bob's Best in Championship, CH Nile Babies Memphis of Exemplar

Felis Wonder Cupid Angels Chardonay, Best in Premiership

Bob's best household pet, Yoyo, & family

Teruko Arai's Best Kitten, Kouzi Diego

Memphis and Serena! Best yet again!

PR Karocoons Tektite, Teruko's Best in Premiership

Nekokyu Kaminari, a scottish straight, Best in Household.

Allan's Best Kitten, a Singapura.

Allan's Best Champion, the winning kitten's Mummy, Beni!

Maine coon, Miki, Allan's Best Premiership Cat

Allan congratulating Vivien for another of Chip's numerous HHP wins.

Felix with our overall Highest Scoring HHP owner, Supian, for his cat, Mulan.

Owners of Highest Scoring Kitten, Temasek Raja Iskandar Zulkarnain

Last but not least, Serena accepting Highest Scoring Championship Cat for Memphis!

Aren't you lovely?


Hmm... Best Cage? Team 1?

Team 2?

or Team 3?

RC presenting lucky draw gifts

More lucky draw winners

Love the location, Chevrons!

Thanks again to our Master Clerk, Wilson

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