Sunday, July 16, 2006

Kawaii Cat Show Snapshots

Eunos Community Club.. where all the action takes place.

The stage is set for a feline showdown.

Our sponsor, ProPlan's booth

The Nestle refreshments booth outside the show hall.

L-R: CFA Judge Wakako Nagayama, FSM President and CFA International Division Rep. for Asia; Mr Wilson Ng, FFSS President Felix, Vice President Zul, Mr Mohammad Yahya-Eunos Community Club Chairman, MAEC.

Vetting in

Lovable Garfield makes an appearance to warm up the crowd

Our Mascot and Mr Yahya greet our GOH, Mayor Zainul Abidin Rasheed.

Mayor Zainul gave a rousing speech to the eager crowd.

The Mayor walked through all the cages and spoke to the exhibitors. Which cat did he like best?

Mayor Zainul's first time handling a Singapura kitten.

Surprises and hiccups are part of every show but this time, the surprise came in the form of a romantic onstage proposal for a certain Ms Gioanna Ng. Congratulations to the future Mr and Mrs Timothy Burdon, May you be happy always!

The action starts with our judge handling the kitten class first. Here she is with a brown tabby siberian kitten.

This exotic shorthair seems oblivious to his surroundings!

Chester, our 3rd Best Household Pet.

Sweet Honey, 2nd Best Household Pet.

Our Best Household Pet entry, Darby. (Who btw, is up for adoption. Please email the blogmistress if interested)

Our top 3 Premiership Cats.

Our top 3 Kittens.

Our top 3 Championship cats.

Proplan-FFSS cat idol finalists(i.e top of each category)

The eventual winner.

These kids had a great time with the games and they left with something to show for it too!

One of our many lucky draw winners.

Thanks to everyone here who put in so much effort to get the show up and running. Til the next show!

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